Welcome to a new stage of our COIL program which will expand opportunities to benefit more students, faculty, and higher education institutions throughout the American Continent, connecting participants for a meaningful, collaborative online international education experience.
Discover all the activities programmed for this year and how to participate!
PIC-AMERICAS offers key services to develop and consolidate their COIL-based institutional program for the internationalization of their curricula to higher education institutions in the Americas. It aims to significantly contribute to building and developing human capital by offering comprehensive training opportunities to current and future generations of the Americas, preparing them to tackle modern, global, and complex political, economic, environmental, and social challenges.
- networking support to identify potential teaching partners,
- COIL Design faculty workshops,
- mentoring to accompany faculty during their COIL implementation,
- training for COIL coordinators to strengthen institutional capacities to consolidate the program.
Faculty and international education staff are invited to participate in these activities.
Scholarships are available for participants from all sister organizations.
This initiative is funded by the Stevens Initiative, housed at the Aspen Institute, and supported by the Bezos Family Foundation. Fomento Educacional, A.C., also sponsors our mission. With the support of sister organizations from the Americas, we offer valuable educational opportunities to individuals and institutions across the region.